Clarksville around 1962, images from
Clarksville Pa.
This blog, while about the Ten Mile Creek area in general, has had a lot on the town of Clarksville, partly to present some new information and photos to go along with the coming 100 year observance this summer. The town officially dates from 1909, that being the year of it's charter. It was 100 years earlier, however , when Samuel Clark founded and laid out the town. So in one sense it's 100 years old and in another sense it's 200.
The residents of Clarksville, Pa. will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Greene County community on June 5-7, 2009. Many events are being organized, please join them and help celebrate this special time.
A dedicated and energetic young lady, Randi Ross Marodi, is coordinating most of the efforts including a book and sends out this request to present and former residents:
"When this book is done I don't want it to be a run-of-the-mill history book. I want it to come alive with great stories - memories from people who might have been born in Clarksville, people who played, attended school, hit baseballs, fought fires, fell in love, got married, made friends, rode bikes, jumped trains or went swimming in the creek. You get the picture.I would really like to have each generation of Clarksvillians represented. For example, I would love to have a story from a kid under 10 who currently lives in the borough; someone in their 20s who lived there; 30s; 40s; etc. Do you know someone who would like to participate? If they would, but they don't like to write, just let me know. I can make arrangements to call them and interview them.In addition to a story, I would love to have a photo of the writer, preferably doing something in Clarksville during the time period of their story. This might be asking a lot, but I think a book filled with personal accounts and pictures will be great. Now, if you decide to write a story, here is some information I would like for you to include: Where was the writer born? When did they move to Clarksville? What activities did they participate in? Where did they go to school? Their favorite memory. Their parents names. Who are their siblings? Where are they today and what are they doing? Some of this information might interfere with the flow of the story, so you might just want to include it and we can put it under the photo. Now, please get off the internet, grab a pencil and start writing. And, when you take a break don't forget to go look through your box of old photos. When you are done you can email the story and photos to Randi Ross Marodi at rossmarodi@bentcom.net. Thanks, and remember, the celebration is this June, so don't waste any time."Vendors are needed for Clarksville's 100th Birthday Celebration. Non-profit organizations can reserve a spot for free. All others will be charged a small rate. The deadline for vendors is June 1st.
Be Part of History, Buy an Ad in Clarksville's 200th Anniversary Book
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